
Fictional: Star Trek:
Beta Ophiuchi VI (Cebalrai System)

Summary:Beta Ophiuchi VI is a planet located near the Great Rift.
Description:While dining in the capital city of one of its countries, Ileen Maisel watched dancing gelatin. (TNG novel: Intellivore)

Errigal, in the star system of 60 Ophiuchi, was a Federation planet, home to the Third Submission Colony. (TNG novel: Intellivore)
Addon Homepage:
License:This add-on is the creation of Tim Wilson. It is free for non-commercial use only. If modified or used in other ways, please ask for permission. You MUST ask permission to add spacecraft models (that are exclusive to my addons) to your addons if you plan to re-distribute them.
Added:2010-06-09 21:22
Last modified:2010-06-13 20:08
Beta Ophiuchi VI (Cebalrai System) SSC/CMOD/JPG/PNG 35.71 MB

Comments by visitors:

2010-06-10 20:02
#2 fungun
Forgot to add to the addonreadme file-Do not use the OpenGL 2.0 render path when viewing my addons. It is not needed and it makes the water look blocky. I do not know why. They look just fine in the other render paths
2010-06-10 13:10
#1 Nemeton
Not perfect but this system is better.
Just go in this way ! home page