
Fictional: Star Trek:
Enterprise Leaving Spacedock

Summary:A meticulously-detailed, scripted journey to the 23rd century to witness the USS Enterprise preparing for, and leaving, its space dock (Update 2016).
Description:This is a meticulously-detailed, scripted journey to the 23rd century to witness the USS Enterprise leaving its space dock.

This update (v1.1) to the USS Enterprise Star Trek addon works with Celestia 1.6.1 & Celestia 161-ED.
Please note: This scripted journey works with MS Windows only!

To see what Celestia can really do, this add-on is a must. If you are a StarTrek fan, you will be very pleased to discover how Celestia can bring those ships to life.
Addon Homepage:
Creator:Frank Gregorio
License:Released under common license.
Added:2009-01-11 13:15
Last modified:2016-08-09 19:42
Enterprise Leaving Spacedock CMOD/JPG/CEL/XYZ (english-uk) 24.38 MB

Comments by visitors:

2014-08-25 21:52
#3 Fast Edi
Unfortunately this Add-on seems to be gone. Searched a while, but couldn't find it...
2009-04-25 06:14
#2 Rick
It's nice (I assume), but unfortunately, it is not compatible with the Mac version of Celestia.
2009-02-23 03:48
#1 Gaz
When running the sound-enabled version of Celestia, I get errors saying "libpng1.dll not found", then "zlib.dll" not found. Found them on the net (google them) and all working. Sweet. home page