
Scripts: Utility Scripts and Educational Resources:

Summary:This conversion utility reads MPCORB.DAT (Minor Planets Orbital Elements published by the IAU), and creates SSC files for use with Celestia.
Description:This conversion utility reads MPCORB.DAT (Minor Planets Orbital Elements published by the IAU), and writes a catalog suitable to be used in Celestia. It also saves two scripts in .celx format, one to mark the selected asteroids in Celestia, the other to unmark them. You can select asteroids according to a variety of criteria.

Revised versions: January 2009

Download the Perl script (requires a Perl interpreter) or the standalone executable version.
NOTE: Please view Guillermo's read me files for instructions on installation and usage.
Addon Homepage:
Creator:Guillermo Abramson
Version:1.1 (2009)
License:Free for everybody.
Added:2008-05-23 09:17
Last modified:2009-02-19 21:07
Perl script (english) 28.09 kB
Binary (EXE) (english) 406.90 kB

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