
Sol: Texture Maps:

Summary:New Sun texture (2010) with granulated features, and animated solar flares.
Description:This add-on displays granulated features on our Sun, and animated solar flares erupting from the Sun's surface. This package is based upon Runar Thorvaldsen's great Solar add-on, with some modifications to adjust the texture to a yellow-white color. For installation instructions, see the "Read-me.txt" file included in the package. Works with Celestia 1.6.0+
Addon Homepage:
Creator:Frank Gregorio
License:Use this add-on without restriction.
Added:2006-11-02 07:09
Last modified:2010-02-05 18:35
Sun 3DS/JPG/PNG 17.60 MB

Comments by visitors:

2018-01-03 00:52
#13 anonymous
Wonderful addon! It just doesn't get any better than this!
2015-06-28 20:14
#12 edr-01
This addon is very good, the detail is excellent, however, the Sun is yellow-orange, looks white due its brightness but in fact the sun IS yellow-orange, ok?

Yet this a really good addon. The animated solar surface have a outstanding detail!
2012-09-07 08:42
#11 anonymous
Great job. At first I thought that the flames would have been unrealistic and horrible, but when I saw them I immediately changed my mind. You can not see the core, that's good, and the animated texture is wonderful.
Great job, Greg.
2010-11-13 04:52
#10 anonymous
This addon is awesome! It's actually YELLOWISH WHITE instead of orange. Great Job.
2010-06-27 09:01
#9 Martinelli
Very nice, good job.
2010-04-27 22:37
#8 anonymous
thanks a lot! this really helps, I love the flares.
2010-02-14 18:35
#7 anonymous
This addon is really good with the new 2010 texture. If you look closely, you can see the Sun's active texture. To prove it, press ctrl+w.
2008-04-17 03:11
#6 Guadrumo
Very nice, good job.
2008-02-10 04:38
#5 anonymous
Sure seems like the most realistic solar texture here. The others are far too yellow, some even orange. It's supposed to be just a hint of yellow, almost white. This seem to come pretty close, while maintaining a high texture quality!
2007-12-23 16:57
#4 Goonster
Nice one!
2007-10-31 23:40
#3 Psicho Quantic
This is one of the best add-ons for Celestia ever! GOOD JOB!
2006-12-13 13:36
#2 streety
This is a nice effect for such a relatively small file, complete with moving solar flares.
2006-12-02 00:00
#1 Loamstripe
wow home page